Friday 27 March 2009

American Beauty the opening and ending.


The American Beauty opening begins with an ariel shot over the town, while zooming in to a certain street. Lester Burnham voice is placed over, like a narrator, to set the scene and the story. The American Beauty tune plays all throughout the opening.
The camera then brings us into the house and a close up of Lester in bed, this communicates that he is the main character. Lester Burnham say "ill be dead this time next year" this is telling the story and we know the ending, so now we will be watching it to see how and why he dies.

A close up of the red rose shows the importance and symbolism of it. The rose shows perfection and reflects the title as a red rose is called "American Beauty". He introduces other characters with a voice over and imagery. His wife, Carolyn Burnham, is shown cutting the roses in her garden. The voice over says that her shoes and gardening gloves are no mistake that they don't match, this sets up her character as we understand that she is in control and likes everything to perfection. Then introduced to the gay neighbours and Carolyn talks to them, while in the background we see Lester in the background peering through the window. Each elements of the opening are foreshadowing events that follow, for example the roses are throughout the film and are there when he dies. Also the gay characters which are bought into later, and Lester peering through reflects Ricki actions. Jane, Lester daughter, is introduced again through Lester's voice over, explaining that she is a typical teenager.

When we see them all walk out of the house we can see the big house, the tidy garden that tells the viewer that they are rich and a family. The house is symmetrical with fresh white walls, with a white picket fences which shows that they own the land and there property. When they are in the car Lester sits in the back show that he has no power within the family. On the surface everything seems to live up the The American Dream, nice house, Mum, Dad and daughter. However the voice over dosent agree with the "perfect" family life. All this scene is lightly lite, like a sunny day.

"Its never to late to get it back" this indicates that the introduction is now finished and the film will now begin. We will be following Lester in his fight "to get it back".


In comparsionto the beginning the the lighting is very dark lit and light is just on characters face etc. When we see Lester and and Angela in the kitchen agian the lightening is dark and filmed in mid-shots. Angela asked Lester "how are you" where Lester replies " im great". This completes the beginning and we can see the journey he has been through the film and he has achieved his goal. He reminises while looking at a old photo of his family and sit down in front of the roses. This shot is like dominos where it is the gun /Lester Burnham /photo of family /the roses, shown throughout the film/ the camera then pans to white tiles , once the gun shots blood then goes on the wall. Although the audience know that he is going to die it is still a shock and sad has we know he has reached his goals and just when he is enjoying life he dies.
Like the beginning of the film there a voice over we return back to the Lester Voice. While we see where every character was when the shot went off. In between is a montage of old memories Lester is having. He realises that his life was good when they didnt have everything and how luckly he was to have a wife and Jane. The last scene, the ariel shot, he says "someday you will" then a black screen. Personally i think its a bit scary and depressing but it makes you reflect on the film and question your own life.

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