Friday 27 March 2009

Comparing American Beauty and Truman show.


Main male character, who lives for a change in there life. We see there life's change within the film. Both are protagonist.

Meryl and Carlyon are both old fashion house wives who are career obsess and both are materialistic.

The men both have similar jobs and are both the perfect the American dream jobs.

Both searching for something.


Truman is the only character, Lesters family in American Beauty.

Lester dies, truman gets to carry on with a new life.

Truman postive, Lester negative

Searching for something different.


Both have American suburb hose bright coloures and picket fences. Flowers. Both classed as middle class Americans.

Work in depressive jobs.


Truman is made to fit American dream Lester is.

Truman has boundaries he cannot escape the studio set.

Controlled society by Christoph

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